Sunday 12 May 2024

Different types of plastic bags

 Plastic bags are a form of polymers. Depending on various factors of the polymer used in manufacturing the plastic bags, they are classified into four main categories. Let us discuss these categories in details; they are as follows:

1. High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE)

HDP is the most commonly used variant of plastic bags in most parts of the world. They are water and temperature resistant, lightweight, relatively transparent and high in tensile strength. These bags meet the USDA and FDA food handling guidelines.

2. Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE)

They are completely transparent, thus ideal to be used in commercial kitchens. The common applications of LDPE bags are food bags, bread bags, and utility bags. They have a medium strength and stretch properties.

3. Linear Low-Density Polyethylene (LLDPE)

LLDPE has a thinner gauge as compared to LDPE. But there is no much difference in strength between LDPE and LLDPE. Thus consumers can have the same quality at a lower price by purchasing the LLDPE plastic bags. They are mainly used as plastic shopping bags.

4. Medium Density Polyethylene (MDPE)

The transparency of MDPE plastic bags lies between that of HDPE and LDPE plastic bags. They are the least stretchable plastic bags, and also they have poor strength. This makes unsuitable to carry or store bulk products. They are used to pack lighter products and as garbage bags.

5. Polypropylene

PP stands unique by their property of great chemical strength and resistance. This is the only variant of plastic bags that is non-breathable. Therefore, they have a longer shelf life and are used to pack herbs, nuts, candies and other confectionaries.

Plastic bags has double-benefited bags available in the market now

 While they may seem like for quick grocery trips, let’s explore some reasons why we must consider our reliance on plastic bags.

More Sustainable Solutions:

Reusable Bags: Invest in reusable bags made from materials like canvas, hemp, or recycled plastic. They’re strong, versatile, and can last for years, reducing your overall plastic use.

By choosing reusable options and being mindful of plastic use, we can make a significant difference. Support stores with re-usable plastic bag options or plastic bag reduction initiatives.

Latest Manufacturing Process

Here is a brief about the latest method used for manufacturing plastic carry bags. The process is known as a blown-film extrusion process. In this process, resin (small plastic pellets) are melted under controlled heat circumstances. This is carried out until resins become molten and pliable.

As a next step, they are extruded through a circular die gap. This leads to the formation of a continuous tube of plastic. The tube is pinched off at one end to and then it is inflated and stretched to the size and thickness of the desired finished product.

The rise of CPE plastic bags wasn’t limited to electronics


The CPE plastic bag, a mainstay in electronics stores and beyond, wasn’t always the go-to for protecting delicate items. Its development stemmed from a practical need in a growing technological world.

The Need for Protection:

In the past, transporting electronic parts and mobile phones often resulted in scratches, damage, and even lost components. Regular polyethylene (PE) bags, commonly used at the time, lacked the necessary properties to ensure safe transport.

Innovation Breeds a Solution:

CPE (chlorinated polyethylene) plastic bags emerged as a response to this growing concern. By adding chlorine to PE plastic, manufacturers created a material with superior:

Strength: CPE plastic is more tear-resistant than PE, offering better protection for fragile items.

Clarity: CPE offers good transparency, allowing for easy product visibility without compromising security.

Durability: CPE plastic boasts higher resistance to factors like weather, ozone, and aging, ensuring long-lasting protection during storage and transport.

Beyond Electronics:

The rise of CPE plastic bags wasn’t limited to electronics. Their versatility and functionality led to their adoption in various industries:

Retail: CPE bags found use in packaging clothing, accessories, and other delicate items.

Food Service: Some bakeries and food stalls utilize CPE bags for pastries and other baked goods due to their grease resistance.
The Future of CPE Bags:

While CPE plastic bags offer undeniable advantages, concerns regarding plastic waste and environmental impact are valid. The future of CPE bags might lie in:

Increased use of recycled materials: Manufacturing CPE bags from recycled content can minimize environmental impact.
Biodegradable alternatives: The development of biodegradable CPE could offer a more sustainable solution.

Responsible use and recycling: Encouraging proper disposal and recycling programs can extend the lifespan of these bags and minimize waste.

The invention of CPE plastic bags addressed a specific need and revolutionized how we protect delicate items. As we move towards a more sustainable future, innovation and responsible practices will play a key role in determining the continued use of CPE bags.

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